The Bullet Journal Method Book Club



I created this book club for the community as a way to slow down to take in and analyze Ryder’s points in each section of his book. A different part will be discussed each week for an entire year.

Tiny Ray of Sunshine Book Club Photo.png

About the hosts.

  • I created the book club because I wanted to discuss Ryder’s book and realized there was no such place to talk about it online. Thus, the idea to create a book club and discuss the book, section by section, and help others along the way arose. The fact that there were just enough sections to cover the whole year was a great coincidence.

  • Dee joined the book club early on when I invited her to the book club’s Facebook group when I created it. I considered the idea of having others join as co-hosts to share their thoughts and perspectives and she wanted to be part of it, which I am delighted about and grateful for. She lends a lot of her handwriting and thoughtfulness to the weekly discussions.

  • Donna is incredibly active in the book club, constantly sharing her thoughts and helping others out. She signed up to be a co-host and is greatly thoughtful in her contributions.

  • Heidi is well-versed with the Bullet Journal and contributes her handwriting and discussion points occasionally.

  • Trine is another long-time Bullet Journal enthusiast who contributes discussion points and worksheets from time to time.

  • Guest hosts are those who we invite every so often to share their thoughts on that week’s discussion.

I am grateful to everyone who has been interested in the book club and shares their input!



The Book.

The Bullet Journal Method

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Weekly Discussion


Visual Archive.



Ryder answers questions from our book club.

