#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 72 - Count Squares To Make Layout Creation Easier in your Bullet Journal

Welcome to Day 72 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 72: Count Squares

Count Squares

One of the first things I did when I started Bullet Journaling, after learning the main concepts, was create layouts for all sorts of collections. Since I like symmetry, I like to make things as even as possible. The way I found to do this was by counting squares.

I know by memory that Leuchtturm1917 notebooks have 26 squares across and 38 down.

Divide those in half and you have 13 across twice and 19 down twice, and so on and so forth.

A relatively simple idea, but immensely useful, especially when creating specific types of collections or figuring out whether a month's worth of content can fit in your pages.

Since I've been using a Pocket Leuchtturm1917 lately, I still haven't memorized the number of squares, so I wrote in the back that there are 16 square across and 27 down on each page. This means that if you wanted to make a monthly log, you could split it across two pages (a spread) or have it vertically across two pages flipped sideways. 

You can even create a simple guide somewhere in your Bullet Journal with the various divisions to make layout creation easier. 

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