#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 74 - Write out your Personal Mantras to keep you focused

Welcome to Day 74 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 74: Personal Mantras

Personal Mantras

Writing out your personal mantras can help keep you focused because they are statements that help ground you due to beliefs you have about yourself and how you conduct yourself based on your values or a personal code (any Dexter fans out there?). 

When you're going through life sometimes certain statements come up, perhaps there's a voice in your mind that pipes up when something happens that advises you one way or another (or is that only me?). Listen to these statements and consider whether they're helpful or not and write them down. These will become the statements that help you cope through situations.

Do you have any personal mantras?

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