2015 Bullet Journal Recentering
/This month's theme for the #BulletJournalChallenge on Recentering is the perfect way to end the year and prepare for the new one.
What worked
Asking myself what is most important right now in order to refocus my efforts.
Writing down tasks
Reflecting on the tasks completed each day
Using a broader point pen
Look at the month log daily
Creating a focused daily log
Completing tasks
What to let go of
Irrelevant collections
Unimportant tasks
What to try out
Migrating less tasks
Have a top 3 each day
Different header styles
Here are the various spreads I've used to reflect on this month's challenge:

As you can see, I've gone through a few iterations of thoughts for next year's Bullet Journal and will most likely keep it very simple. The reason is that simple works best for me and I am using the very special and beautiful official Bullet Journal Leuchtturm1917 that I want to make last as long as possible :)
What works for you? What are you letting go of? What are you trying out?
I wish you a very awesome 2016! See you then :)
Have a sunny rest of your year! And if you're in the future, happy new year!
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