Master List of Meals

Master list of meals

Today I'm excited to share with you an idea that has made all the difference in my meal planning adventures. 

The Master list of Meals.

The reason this is such a great idea is because it is a list of all of your favorite meals, which makes thinking about what to eat for the time period you plan for a no-brainer because they're already written down! When you sit down to plan your meals, flip over to this collection and pick some tried & true favorites!

The idea of a master list of meals isn't new, but the implementation of it with these columns is something I came up with after thinking about how a rapid-log solution would look like in the Bullet Journal.

I love columns and this list is super simple to create, simply write the letters B L D S, which stand for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack/Side then write down your favorite meals. 

Of course, after sharing this idea with the lovely Bullet Journal community, ideas started trickling in about other ways you could use the columns which include:

  • B L D S: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack/Side

  • C B P F V: Chicken, Beef, Pork, Fish, Veggie

  • S D T: Soup, Salad, Stew

  • S T O: Slow cooker, Stovetop, Oven

These are all great and the variation is endless! I personally like to cook according to the method. For example, I like to know whether a meal is something I toss in the slow cooker, cook on the stovetop, or place in the oven. This is especially important to me during the summer months when it's too hot to turn the oven on. Maybe I'll make a new list with these columns! The B L D S came to mind first, though. :) Another idea for a column is D for Dining Out! 

Bonus tip!

To keep things fresh, I recommend creating a separate list titled Food to Try with the same columns so that as you try out new foods, you can continue to add meals to the Master List of Meals if they turn out to be instant favorites! Over time you'll have a solid variation of foods in your repertoire. 

I hope you enjoyed this idea! Are you going to try it out? What will you use for your columns? Do you have any favorite meals you'd like to share? I'm always on the lookout for new to me delicious meals to try!