March #BulletJournalChallenge

Hello and welcome to a new #BulletJournalChallenge!

embrace #bulletjournalchallenge

embrace #bulletjournalchallenge

Every month I host a new challenge with a theme and a few suggestions to help you think about your Bullet Journal in new ways.

This month's theme is Embrace. To find out what it's all about, head on over to the article on the Bullet Journal blog to read all about it. You'll want to enter this month's challenge because we are giving away an official Bullet Journal notebook! Head over to the article to find out how to participate in the challenge and enter to win your very own Bullet Journal notebook. :)

“Keep a notebook. Travel with it, eat with it, sleep with it. Slap into it every stray thought that flutters up into your brain. Cheap paper is less perishable than gray matter, and lead pencil markings endure longer than memory.”

– Jack London

Welcome to a new #BulletJournalChallenge.

One of the main reasons the Bullet Journal is so awesome is that it is based in a notebook. You can literally pick up any notebook, open it up, and pour yourself onto the pages.

Opening the first page of a notebook marks the beginning of creating a wonderful world waiting to unfold as you translate your thoughts on the pages. Each stroke is deliberate and each task carefully calculated to be etched onto the page or be crossed out. You check things off, write your appointments, and scribble away notes from the day-to-day, but the Bullet Journal can be more than just a beautiful way to keep track of the things you need to get done. It can be for only that purpose, but chances are that it will expand to encompass the wonders of your mind. Whatever you breathe into your pages will mirror your life as it was in that moment. The sketches, lists, and connections you want to explore further can all be handled with the Bullet Journal.

Everyone’s notebook uniquely depicts the unfolding of that individual’s rich inner thoughts.

At the end of the day, the Bullet Journal system resides in a notebook which you can tailor to be as simple or as embellished as you’d like. As long as you keep in mind that it is meant to help you improve your life, then adding your personality to it can be a freeing and wonderful process. When it becomes too much, however, it is necessary to strip away all of the unessential and start anew with the beautiful guidelines.

The system is a beautifully simple one and many choose to keep it spartan, just as many enjoy adding a bit of their personality to it.

Regardless of all the customizations you choose to add to your Bullet Journal, keeping it simple enough that you’ll want to continue to use it for its intended purpose (to help your productivity) will make for the best Bullet Journal experience.

Above all, the Bullet Journal is a way to organize your life in all of its stages. With this in mind, it becomes a way to hold your present, past, and future adventures.

This month’s challenge is to celebrate your Bullet Journal, dive into how it fits in your life, and explore how you’ve personalized it to make it your own. If you tend to keep close to the original, it is still uniquely your own due to the personality of your handwriting and order which you choose to do things. We’d love to see how you made your Bullet Journal your own.

Questions to participate in the challenge:

• How do you make the Bullet Journal your own?
• What kinds of things do you include in your Bullet Journal?
• When do you use it most?

To participate, share a photo on Instagram, the Facebook group, or in the comments below and add the hashtags #bulletjournal #bulletjournalchallenge and #march. One person will be selected to win the Bullet Journal Notebook. Good luck!

Also check out the #bulletjournalchallenge facebook group!

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