Intention Hexagon


After creating and sharing the Intention Wheel (circle tracker) and the Intention Square, I have now finally created the Intention Hexagon. This is something I have been planning on making for a long time ever since I shared the other ones years ago.

Here is the Intention Hexagon with a sticky note on the side with some brainstorming about what to track.

Did I sleep well?
Did I read?
Did I journal?

You can track a few things you want to keep an eye on or want to become more aware about.

You can use it to remind you of the things you want to do.

I developed the circle, square, and hexagon trackers as fun Visual Trackers that couple perfectly with intentionality to make the process more enjoyable. They’re a fun and useful way to visualize progress.

Tracking can be a way to give you concrete data to work with whatever you’re tracking to discover whether you enjoy what you’re tracking or need to reassess some things.

You can track habits, moods, steps, how productive you were, etc.

Do you track anything? If so, what, how, and why?

Are you excited about this fun new shape? You can grab it by heading to the shop. There’s also a bundle available with all 3 intention trackers for you to enjoy. Thank you for your support and appreciation over the years with my intention trackers! ✍️

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