Jan 1, 2019: 2019 begins here

2019 Begins here 💫 Did you start the year with a fresh #BulletJournal or continue your current one? The first time I stepped into a new year when I first started Bullet Journaling, I kept going because I relished completing an entire notebook. The following few years I managed to complete Bullet Journals right as the year ended and I cracked open a new one for the new year. Ryder’s official recommendation is to start a new Bullet Journal at the start of the year. However, I recently opened this Bullet Journal and wanted to keep going with it to continue to have that satisfaction of completing an entire notebook. Also, I’m not quite done writing this notebook’s story 😌. How about you? What’s your preference? New year = new #BuJo or New year = keep going in your current one? Vote on the mini poll in the comments and share your reasoning 😊📖#hellonewyear

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