10 Reasons why you should get the official Bullet Journal notebook

If you're on the fence about grabbing the official Bullet Journal notebook, read on to find out why it's awesome. 

10. It has the words BULLET JOURNAL on the front cover! What more reason could you need?

9. It has an introductory guide to the Bullet Journal built-in already, how awesome is that? This is useful when you're explaining the system to someone, you can flip to the back of the notebook and share the various components with them. It's also very helpful as a review session for yourself.

8. It has a section to write down your key in the front cover.

7. It's chock full of tips.

6. It has a built-in section for the Future Log that you can set up however you like. 

5. It's a Leuchtturm1917 notebook, so you know it's awesome.

4. Four full pages for the Index. Regular Leuchtturm1917 notebooks only have 3 pages. That extra page comes in handy!

3. Three Ribbon Bookmarks to flip to pages you frequent easily.

2. It's a very special notebook, no other is like it, so specifically tiered to use for the Bullet Journal. Yes, it's true you can use any notebook, but this one is even better because of the amount of thought and detail that went into it from both Leuchtturm1917 and Ryder.

1.  Ryder Carroll freely shared the Bullet Journal system and continues to share spot-on content over on BulletJournal.com. Grab one if for no other reason than to say thank you for sharing the system with us all. 

Go grab yours over at store.bulletjournal.com!

About Kim
Kim is a life-long journaling and to-do list enthusiast. She loves experimenting and figuring out ways to improve her life and the lives of others. She enjoys encouraging readers to design and create a life they love, one experiment at a time.

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