March Bullet Journal 2016
/Hello there!
Welcome to a new month of the year! How are you feeling about it so far?
Every month I make a goal to pare down my Bullet Journal and keep it pretty minimalist, and somehow I end up adding a bunch of collections at the beginning, especially if I'm starting a brand new notebook.
I just finished up my first official Bullet Journal notebook, compliments of the wonderful Ryder Carroll, and I ordered another because I love them so dang much! They are beautifully designed and I can't get enough of them! Just look at it! It has the words Bullet Journal embossed, swoon.
Alright, so I cracked this one open a couple of days ago and set up the Future Log and Monthly Log and that was it. Seriously! I am adamant about going back to basics this time around.
This also means that I will not be using my usual post it tabs this time, but instead will stick only to the 3 ribbon bookmarks for my most referenced pages.
Let's take a little look around :)
Future Log
This is where I keep the gray ribbon bookmark (I think I had it in the second spread for this photo).
This time I decided to make up my own version of the Future Log. I wanted it to be more Rapid-loggy, and what's more Rapid-loggy than a list?
How it works:
Add a signifier or bullet first:
Present = birthday
Open circle = event
Letter = pen pal related
Heart = special events with my boyfriend
Add the number of the month and date:
When I'm rapid-logging, I might forget what number a month is, that's why I placed the months and their corresponding numbers to the side! :) Works like a dream.
Add the event!
This month I decided to write in cursive in the Future Log :)
Fill it in the signifiers when the events occur.
This helps me see at a glance which events have occurred and which are upcoming.
Monthly Log
Went back to basics this month with the Monthly Log. On the left side I'm writing down notable snippets of what happened and on the right I'm writing down tasks and goals. I added a little dot to indicate the weekends as a fun way to visualize the weeks.
At the top of the tasks page I used a sunshine signifier to indicate goals for all things Tiny Ray of Sunshine. Beneath it are some tasks to accomplish this month. I'm still adding to it as I think of them. I'm trying not to overload my monthly tasks and keep it short and achievable.
This is where I keep the black ribbon bookmark, to easily flip back to this spread as needed.
This month is starting out really well! I'm super excited about it! I unveiled the freshly updated site, so be sure to check it out and look around :) I made the switch from Blogger to Squarespace recently and I am loving it! I like how easy it is to build and everything. Anyways, back to Bullet Journaling!
Daily Logs
This month I'm going to write everything down in my Daily Logs as they happen. This is what I did when I first started Bullet Journaling a year and a half ago and I'm giving it another go! I love it so far. This means that I'm writing down my tasks, events, what I'm grateful for, waiting on, shipment tracking, meals, pen pal letter related things, notes, and whatnot! Anything and everything goes! I'm sure I'll add some sketches throughout as well :)
Back when I first started Bullet Journaling I went kind of nutty with the signifiers and over time I pared down to barely using any, mainly relying on the bullets, but I'm bringing in a few signifiers to give my bullets more context :)
Here are the first few days of March. I actually dove into it on the 3rd, so the 1st and 2nd are full of notes.
At the top corners of the pages I started this new hack to make it easier to find items within my pages. I'll share the full details of it in the next article! :)
And this brings us to the 4th of March! Which is where the white ribbon bookmark is. I like how unnoticeable it is on the current daily page, totally non-distracting.
I've been loving adding in things as they occur as a reflection of my life as it happens :) A living Bullet Journal, full of my life's adventures and happiness!
Supplies used
Enter to win an official Bullet Journal Leuchtturm1917 notebook of your own by entering this month's #BulletJournalChallenge!
White Tiger Pilot Metropolitan with a fine nib. (Amazon)
Faber-Castell Stone Grey ink (Amazon)
Pilot Plumix Stub Nib (for the headers) (Amazon)
Sheaffer Skrip Green (more of a turquoise color) for the headers. (Amazon)