September #BulletJournalChallenge: Handwriting

Hi there!

Happy September! A new month means a fresh start full of possibilities. It also means a brand new Bullet Journal challenge!

Check it out over at the official Bullet Journal blog. :)

Handwriting #BulletJournalChallenge

Hi everyone!

This is Kim from Tiny Ray of Sunshine, and I’m excited to introduce you to the #bulletjournalchallenge. The way it works is simple, every month a fun new challenge will be posed around a theme. The theme is meant to inspire you to try out and explore new things in your Bullet Journal. The theme for September is handwriting.

It’s no secret that Bullet Journalists love to look at each other’s notebooks. Handwriting is the common factor in all Bullet Journals. When we see especially beautiful handwriting, we’re awestruck.

There’s something profoundly moving about carefully composed handwriting. It inspires us to reach for a notebook and revel in the joy of writing.

Though we each have our own individual handwriting that is beautiful in its own right, wonderful things happen when we work on improving it. For starters, we’ll be able to read what we wrote better. When we send someone a letter, they’ll be able to read what we wrote more easily. Most importantly, over time we’ll be able to clearly read the cherished memories of where we were, what we’ve done, and what our hopes and dreams were.

Handwriting is a deeply telling and personal act that we pour ourselves into. When we’re stressed, it’s scratchier. When we’re tired, it’s sloppier. When we’re happy, it’s curvier.

Focusing on the art of handwriting will allow us to grow a deeper appreciation for the written word and fall in love with our own loops and strokes. This will make the joy of writing in our notebooks that much more personal and special. It is the loveliest thing of all when you’re able to read your past entries and lose yourself in the memories.

Above all, writing is a meditative act that can help us make sense of the present.

To help your handwriting journey be as beautiful it can be, we have three suggestions:

To participate in the challenge, simply take a photo of your progress and add the hashtag #bulletjournalchallenge on social media, such as Instagram. This will ensure that your photo is added to an ever-growing pool of Bullet Journal inspiration, full of photos from all kinds of wonderful people.

The challenge is a great way to share your Bullet Journal journey, connect with others, and get ideas. Simply search #bulletjournalchallenge on Instagram, Bullet Journal Challenge Facebook group, or Pinterest to find photos from the challenge.

What are some of your tips for improving handwriting?

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