#BulletJournalChallenge: Self-Care Challenge

We’re excited to present the highly anticipated Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care is an important part of our daily lives and it’s a topic we’ve noticed has been prevalent in the community over the past year or so. After taking a poll from the community, we took your suggestions into consideration to create what we believe will be a great Self-Care experience. We also listened to how you’d like the challenge to be longer than a month in order to take the time to develop the habit of self-care, which is why we’re excited to announce that it will span over the course of two months!

The act of journaling itself is a massively beneficial form of Self-Care, and we believe that it’s a powerful way to transform and shape our lives into what we’d like them to be.

This challenge, or experience if you will, consists of weekly topics related to different areas of self-care. We’ll guide you with weekly posts on our Instagram and Facebook channels that will help you figure out your very own personal self-care plan.

Here are the weekly topics along with ideas to get the ball rolling. These topics and ideas are contributions from our lovely community, we are immensely grateful to be able to say that this challenge was made for the Bullet Journal community, by the Bullet Journal community.

Week 1: Personal Care

Journaling as self-care
Me time
Special treats to myself
Creating a list for yourself and others when you’re having a bad day for things you need in terms of what’s helpful, what isn’t, and triggers.Self-care routines: in the morning, before bed, commuting
Barriers to self-care and how to remove them
What are some factors that derail you from self-care?

Week 2: Physical Care


Week 3: Psychological Care

What can you say “no” to?
How do you relax after a long day?
How do you stay motivated and prioritize self-care when attention and energy is needed elsewhere?

Week 4: Emotional Care

What do you do to reset?
Things that give you joy
Tracking experiences and how you feel

Week 5: Environmental Care

Embracing nature

Week 6: Social Care

What am I doing to show myself love?
Happy moments to reflect on
Make a list of people who will support your efforts

Week 7: Professional Care

Finances, an often overlooked area of self-care when in reality it affects self-esteem

Week 8: Reflection

What have you gained from this experience?

To join the challenge:

  1. Reflect on the week’s topic and share why and how you manage that part of your life with a photo and complementing explanation on Instagram or the #BulletJournalChallenge Facebook Group. Feel free to take the ideas as guidance and suggestions on how you can think through this area of your life, but also reflect on what makes sense for you.

  2. Use the #BulletJournalChallenge hashtag so we can find your posts.

  3. See what others are doing to get some ideas and inspiration for your own journey by checking the #BulletJournalChallenge hashtag on Instagram

  4. Follow along with @BulletJournal & @TinyRayofSunshine

  5. Join the #BulletJournalChallenge Facebook Group for a bit more privacy

  6. Feel free to join in whenever, even if it’s long after the challenge has finished. This is an experience that can be enjoyed whenever you are ready.

Originally published on bulletjournal.com