Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Week 1 Personal Care

Welcome to Week 1 of the Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care encompasses many aspects of our lives. Personal Care is where most start in their self-care journey. It can begin in the form of taking more time for yourself by rewarding yourself and doing fun things such as celebrating somewhere special.

To help you think about how you manage your Personal Care, consider the following:

- How do you use journaling as self-care?
- What is your ideal “me time”?
- Do you reward yourself?
- Do you have self-care routines: in the morning, before bed, or commuting?
- What are your barriers to self-care and how can you remove them?
- What are some factors that derail you from self-care?
- Create a list for yourself and others for when you’re having a bad day that includes things you need in terms of what’s helpful, what isn’t, and triggers.

A special thanks to our lovely Bullet Journal Community for contributing these suggestions! 

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine