Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Week 8 Reflection

Welcome to the end of the Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care encompasses many aspects of our lives and it is our hope that this 8-week challenge has helped you think about your own self-care journey in a meaningful way. We’ve enjoyed seeing your lovely pages and reading what you’ve shared!

Today is all about simply reflecting on your self-care journey, what you’ve gotten out of this experience, and how you’re considering incorporating self-care into your life.

A special thanks to our lovely #BulletJournalCommunity for contributing! Jump in anytime to reflect! 

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine

Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Week 7 Professional Care

Welcome to Week 7 of the Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care encompasses many aspects of our lives. Professional Care is about what we do and how we feel about our work. This week’s prompts can be useful to think about even if you haven’t started your career yet, are transitioning jobs, or work for yourself.

To help you think about how you manage your Professional Care, consider the following:

- What drives you to do what you do?
- What helps you stay motivated about your work?
- What are some skills you’re interested in learning more about?
- How do you balance your work and personal responsibilities?
- Describe your workspace, do you have what you need to do your work?
- How do you feel about your finances?
- What achievements are you proud of and how do you celebrate?

A special thanks to our lovely #BulletJournalCommunity for contributing! Jump in anytime to reflect!

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine

Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Week 6 Social Care

Welcome to Week 6 of the Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care encompasses many aspects of our lives. Social Care has to do with our relationships and how we feel about them. Relationships are one of life’s greatest treasures and they make the passing of time more enjoyable. This week we’re taking a moment to pause and think about our relationships.

To help you think about how you manage your Social Care, consider the following:

- What do you enjoy about your current relationships?
- Create a list of go-to people you can count on and will support your efforts, whether they’re family, friends, pen-pals, co-workers.
- What are some lessons you’ve learned about relationships?
- Who have you lost touch with that you’d love to reconnect with?
- What are some of your favorite memories with others?
- What are some things you’d like to say to the challenging people in your life?
- What do you love to do for others and what do you like to be done for you?

A special thanks to our lovely #BulletJournalCommunity for contributing! Jump in anytime to reflect!

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine

Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Week 5 Environmental Care

Welcome to Week 5 of the Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care encompasses many aspects of our lives. You may be wondering what is Environmental Care, as it relates to self-care, and why is it important? It’s been said that our surroundings are a reflection of how we’re doing inside. If our dwelling is messy, our minds may be a bit chaotic as well. Do you ever feel mentally decluttered when you actually declutter? That’s the kind of care we’re covering this week.

To help you think about how you manage your Environmental Care, consider the following:

- Where do you spend the most time?
- Do you enjoy where you spend your time?
- How do you feel about each room in your home?
- What does your ideal living space look like?
- What needs decluttering?
- What can you clean in 10 minutes?
- Spend some time embracing nature

A special thanks to our lovely #BulletJournalCommunity for contributing! Jump in anytime to reflect! 

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine

Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Week 4 Emotional Care

Welcome to Week 4 of the Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care encompasses many aspects of our lives. Emotional Care has to do with how we feel about ourselves, others, events, and things in general. The way we feel affects our perspective and can influence how we manage our daily lives.
When we feel certain ways, we act certain ways and vice versa.

To help you think about how you manage your Emotional Care, consider the following:

- What makes you feel good?
- What makes you feel depleted, sad, angry, or frustrated?
- What energizes you?
- How do you emotionally support others?
- What do you do to reset?
- How do you relax after a long day?
- Track experiences and how you feel about them

A special thanks to our lovely #BulletJournalCommunity for contributing! Jump in anytime to reflect! 

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine

Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Week 3 Psychological Care

Decided to try something new this week! Welcome to Week 3 of the Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care encompasses many aspects of our lives. Psychological Care, otherwise known as our Mental Health, is incredibly important. The things that weigh on our minds have a lot to do with how we see the world and how we handle life in general.

To help you think about how you manage your Psychological Care, consider the following:

- What gives you peace of mind?
- What stresses you out?
- What gives you mental clarity?
- What creative activities do you enjoy?
- What can you say ‘no’ to?
- How do you relax after a long day?
- What are you grateful for?

A special thanks to our lovely #BulletJournalCommunity for contributing! Jump in anytime to reflect! 

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine

Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Week 2 Physical Care

Welcome to Week 2 of the Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care encompasses many aspects of our lives. A fundamental part is our Physical health. When we aren’t doing well physically, every other part of our life suffers. How we take care of our bodies is a vital part of self-care.

To help you think about how you manage your Physical Care, consider the following:

- How is your sleep?
- How is your nutrition?
- What do you do for fitness?
- Do you feel exhausted often?
- Pay attention to your body and how it feels. Are there aches and pains? - What do you do to get your physical health back on track?
- Create a list of healthy foods to eat

A special thanks to our lovely Bullet Journal Community for contributing! Jump in anytime to reflect! 

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine

Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Week 1 Personal Care

Welcome to Week 1 of the Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care encompasses many aspects of our lives. Personal Care is where most start in their self-care journey. It can begin in the form of taking more time for yourself by rewarding yourself and doing fun things such as celebrating somewhere special.

To help you think about how you manage your Personal Care, consider the following:

- How do you use journaling as self-care?
- What is your ideal “me time”?
- Do you reward yourself?
- Do you have self-care routines: in the morning, before bed, or commuting?
- What are your barriers to self-care and how can you remove them?
- What are some factors that derail you from self-care?
- Create a list for yourself and others for when you’re having a bad day that includes things you need in terms of what’s helpful, what isn’t, and triggers.

A special thanks to our lovely Bullet Journal Community for contributing these suggestions! 

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine

Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Introduction

We’re excited to present the highly anticipated Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

The act of journaling itself is a massively beneficial form of Self-Care, and we believe that it’s a powerful way to transform and shape our lives into what we’d like them to be.

We’ve listened to your suggestions and we’ve created what we believe will be a great Self-Care experience. It will consist of weekly topics related to different areas of self-care. We’ll guide you with weekly posts on our Instagram and Facebook channels to help you figure out your very own self-care plan. It will span over the course of two months to allow for enough time to develop the self-care habit. •
These topics and ideas are contributions from our lovely community (that’s you!), we are immensely grateful to be able to say that this challenge was made for the Bullet Journal community, by the Bullet Journal community.

To join the challenge:
1. Reflect on the week’s topic and share why and how you manage that part of your life with a photo and complementing explanation.
2. Add #BulletJournalChallenge to your post so everyone can find and enjoy your insights.
3. Follow along with @BulletJournal & @TinyRayofSunshine
4. Join the #BulletJournalChallenge Facebook group if you’d like
5. Feel free to join in whenever, even if it’s long after the challenge has finished. This is an experience that can be enjoyed whenever you are ready. Learn more at:

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine