Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge: Week 2 Physical Care

Welcome to Week 2 of the Self-Care #BulletJournalChallenge!

Self-Care encompasses many aspects of our lives. A fundamental part is our Physical health. When we aren’t doing well physically, every other part of our life suffers. How we take care of our bodies is a vital part of self-care.

To help you think about how you manage your Physical Care, consider the following:

- How is your sleep?
- How is your nutrition?
- What do you do for fitness?
- Do you feel exhausted often?
- Pay attention to your body and how it feels. Are there aches and pains? - What do you do to get your physical health back on track?
- Create a list of healthy foods to eat

A special thanks to our lovely Bullet Journal Community for contributing! Jump in anytime to reflect! 

Originally posted on @tinyrayofsunshine